C.J. Koch & Misty Koch
Owner/Pilot & Owner/Administrator
CJ has been flying since he was a little boy. CJ attended Eastern Kentucky University where he received his bachelor’s degree in professional flight. He began his professional career at the university as a flight instructor. From flight instructing he worked extremely hard increasing flight hours, gaining knowledge, and networking to reach his goal of flying with a local major cargo airline. In 2015 he met that goal and is currently serving as an international captain on the 757/767 fleet. CJ also holds type ratings in Learjet, Cessna Citation, Embraer 145, Airbus A300, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11, all previously earned from his current
company and past employers. CJ has a huge passion for aviation. He credits his success from hard work, a lot of studying, and great mentors. As a certified flight instructor holding CFI, CFII, as well as MEI instructor ratings, CJ spends a lot of his time instructing and helping new pilots earn ratings, and endorsements specializing in tailwheel instruction, spin training, and upset recovery training. He also enjoys doing Angel Flights every chance he gets. People ask him all the time “don’t you ever get tired of flying?” His response is always “I love to fly, I really do. Whether it’s for work, play or charity. It’s always an adventure, something new to see, and experience. Misty is not a pilot currently but loves flying. Misty is very supportive of her family and supports all their dreams both unrelated and related to aviation. Misty’s grandfather, Alexander G. Morton worked for TWA from 1944 at IND till his retirement in 1974 from SDF. The aviation legacy will continue with the next generation as two children are currently in the aviation field as a pilot (EKU student) and A&P (Air Force), however all their children show a great interest in the family business.